Friday, May 8, 2009


So when you don’t have a job it is important to dream up big, useful ideas. Quickly. Like one idea one day and a very different idea the next. It’s important that each idea is different, independent. Like if they are in different fields, that’s better. And if one might require a few hundred bucks to get rolling, the next should need several million. Always put aside what you were just thinking for a bigger, more useful idea as soon as it comes up. I’m talking about one week throwing around the idea of getting an ice cream truck to turn into a mobile cafĂ© (think MUD Truck in NYC), and the next week looking into vacant property for sale to start up an urban farm. And then spotting an old house with strong bones and good character and immediately dumping all of the above to get working on how to rehab it and move in this summer. Dinner parties and clinking glasses with leaves falling.

These are some of the things I’ve been looking into in the past week. I say some because there are many others. Like the compost ball. Which is now called the “Compost Planet”. The prototype I built is pretty sweet. It looks like a small planet, or a school chemistry project. I’ll post pics of it shortly. Right now I’m working out how to get a patent on the idea so that nobody steals it. That’s the plan today, so that tomorrow I will be ready to work on a city-wide vacant-home relocation proposal and a development package for an agricultural corridor in an old factory district.

1 comment:

S K said...

And next week - a farm acre of analog music machines or a coupon clipping service or think about becoming a guide on an urban bird watching tour...

Anyway - I like where you are going.

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